Workman’s Comp Survey Workman's Comp Survey Name First Last What percentage of your Transformations clients are seen by telehealth only? 100 % of My Transformations clients are served by telehealth. 50% or more of my Transformations client are served by telehealth. 49% or less of my Transformations clients are served by telehealth. Do you see Transformations' clients at Transformations' office? no, I do not see clients at Transformations office. yes, on a regular basis Yes, but only on a rare occasion Do you see Transformations' clients at a private office location not owned or operated by Transformations? No, I do not see clients at a private office Yes, on a regular basis. Yes, on a rare occasion. Do you see Transformations' clients in the home or place of residence? No, I do not see clients in their home or place of residence Yes, on a regular basis Yes, on a rare occasion. Do you see Transformations' client in a school or childcare setting? No, I do not see clients in the school or childcare facility Yes, on a regular basis. Yes, on a rare occasion. This field is hidden when viewing the formWhat month in 2020 did you start doing telelhealth? February March April May June i never did do telehealth